Health and Safety Policy

This page sets out the Health and Safety Policy for THAT Branding Company.

Purpose of policy

1. THAT Branding Company (the Employer) takes health and safety issues seriously and is committed to protecting the health and safety of its staff and all those affected by its business activities and attending its premises. This policy is intended to help the Employer achieve this by clarifying who is responsible for health and safety matters and what their responsibilities are.

2. This is a statement of policy only and does not form part of your contract of employment. This policy may be amended at any time by the Employer at its absolute discretion. The Employer will review this policy at regular intervals to ensure that it is achieving its aims effectively.

Who is responsible for workplace health and safety?

3. Achieving a healthy and safe workplace is a collective task shared between the Employer and staff. This policy and the rules contained in it apply to all staff of the Employer, irrespective of seniority, tenure, and working hours, including all employees, directors and officers, consultants and contractors, casual or agency staff, trainees, homeworkers, fixed-term staff and any volunteers. Specific responsibilities of staff are set out in the section headed "Responsibilities of all staff" below.

Employer responsibilities

4. The Employer is responsible for:

  1. Taking reasonable steps to safeguard the health and safety of staff, people affected by the Employer's business activities, and people visiting its premises.

  2. Identifying health and safety risks and finding ways to manage or overcome them.

  3. Providing a safe and healthy place of work and safe entry and exit arrangements, including during an emergency situation.

  4. Providing and maintaining safe working areas, equipment and systems and, where necessary, appropriate protective clothing.

  5. Providing safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.

  6. Providing adequate information, instruction, training and supervision to enable all staff to do their work safely, to avoid hazards and to contribute positively to their own health and safety at work. The Employer will give you the opportunity to ask questions and advise who best to contact in respect if you are unsure about how to safely carry out your work.

  7. Ensuring any health and safety representatives receive appropriate training to carry out their functions effectively.

  8. Providing a health and safety induction and appropriate safety training to your role, including:

    • DSE Equipment.

  9. Promoting effective communication and consultation between the Employer and staff concerning health and safety matters.

  10. If an epidemic or pandemic alert is issued, providing instructions, arrangements and advice to staff as to the organisation of business operations and steps to be taken to minimise the risk of infection.

  11. Regularly monitoring and reviewing the management of health and safety at work, making any necessary changes, and bringing those to the attention of all staff.

5. Overall responsibility for health and safety lies with Paul Scurrah. They have appointed Creative Director as the Health and Safety Officer with day-to-day responsibility for health and safety matters.

6. Any concerns about health and safety matters should be communicated to the Health and Safety Officer. their browser if a site is restricting the placement of cookies

Responsibilities of all staff

General staff responsibilities

7. All staff must:

  1. Take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.

  2. Co-operate with the Health and Safety Officer and the Employer generally to enable compliance with health and safety duties and requirements.

  3. Comply with any health and safety instructions and rules, including instructions on the safe use of equipment.

  4. Keep health and safety issues in the front of their minds and take personal responsibility for the health and safety implications of their own acts and omissions.

  5. Keep the workplace tidy and hazard-free.

  6. Report all health and safety concerns to the Health and Safety Officer promptly, including any potential risks, hazards or malfunctioning of equipment, however minor or trivial they may seem.

  7. Co-operate in the Employer's investigation of any incident or accident that either has led to injury or which, in the Employer's opinion, could have led to an injury.

Staff responsibilities relating to equipment

8. All staff must:

  1. Use equipment as directed, following any instructions given by representatives of management or contained in any written operating manual or instructions for use, and adhering to any relevant training.

  2. Report any fault with, damage to, or concern about any equipment (including health and safety equipment) or its use to the Health and Safety Officer, who is responsible for maintenance and safety of office equipment.

  3. Ensure that health and safety equipment is not interfered with.

  4. Not attempt to repair equipment unless suitably trained and authorised.

Staff responsibilities relating to accidents and first aid

9. All staff must:

  1. Promptly report any accident at work involving personal injury, however trivial, to the Health and Safety Officer so that details can be recorded in the Accident Book. They must also cooperate with any associated investigation.

  2. Familiarise themselves with the details of first aid facilities and trained first aiders, which are available from the Health and Safety Officer.

  3. If an accident occurs, dial 07449879263 and ask for the duty first aider, giving name, location and brief details of the problem.

  4. The Health and Safety Officer is responsible for investigating any injuries or work-related illnesses, preparing and keeping accident records, and for submitting reports under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), where required.

Staff responsibilities relating to national health alerts, including the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

10. If an epidemic or pandemic alert is issued, all staff must comply and co-operate with all instructions, arrangements and advice issued by the Employer as to the organisation of business operations and steps to be taken by staff to minimise the risk of infection. Any questions should be referred to the Health and Safety Officer.

11. Given the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), it is important that all staff members follow the guidelines set out in this policy to ensure maximum safety and to minimise the risk of infection. We will review these guidelines regularly to ensure they are kept up-to-date with Government guidance.

12. Please see the section headed “Staff returning to work - Coronavirus (COVID-19)” below for health and safety measures which specifically address the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Staff responsibilities relating to emergency evacuation and fire

13. All staff must:

  1. Familiarise themselves with the instructions about what to do if there is a fire which are available from the Health and Safety Officer.

  2. Ensure they are aware of the location of fire extinguishers, fire exits and alternative ways of leaving the building in an emergency.

  3. Comply with the instructions of firewardens if there is a fire, suspected fire or fire alarm (or a practice drill for any of these scenarios).

  4. Co-operate in fire drills and take them seriously (ensuring that any visitors to the building do the same). Fire drills will be held at least once every 12 months.

  5. Ensure that fire exits or fire notices or emergency exit signs are not obstructed or hidden at any time.

  6. Notify the Health and Safety Officer immediately of any circumstances (for example, impaired mobility) which might hinder or delay evacuation in a fire. This will allow the Health and Safety Officer to discuss a personal evacuation plan for you, which will be shared with the fire wardens and colleagues working near you.

14. On discovering a fire, all staff must:

  1. Immediately trigger the nearest fire alarm and, if time permits, call Creative Director and notify the location of the fire.

  2. Attempt to tackle the fire ONLY if they have been trained or otherwise feel competent to do so. Nominated members of staff will be trained in the use of fire extinguishers.

15. On hearing the fire alarm, all staff must:

  1. Remain calm and immediately evacuate the building, walking quickly without running, and following any instructions of the fire wardens.

  2. Leave without stopping to collect personal belongings.

  3. Stay out of any lifts.

  4. Remain out of the building until notified by a fire warden that it is safe to re-enter.

16. The Health and Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring that fire risk assessments take place, that changes are made where required, and for making sure there are regular checks of fire extinguishers, fire alarms, escape routes, signage and emergency lighting. Risk assessments and manual handling

17. Risk assessments are essentially a careful examination of what in the workplace could cause harm to people. The Employer will assess any risks and consider measures to best minimise any risk. The Employer will carry out general workplace risk assessments when required or as reasonably requested by staff. Managers must ensure that any necessary risk assessments take place and the resulting recommendations are implemented. The Health and Safety Officer is responsible for workplace risk assessments and any measures to control risks.

18. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is provided where risks cannot be otherwise effectively controlled.

19. Guidance on manual handling (for example, lifting and carrying heavy objects) can be obtained from the Health and Safety Officer and where necessary training will be provided by the Employer, but the Employer will try to minimise or avoid the need for manual handling where there is a risk of injury.

Display screen equipment (DSE)

20. The Employer is obliged to ensure that:

  1. Risks to health and safety from DSE use (such as musculoskeletal disorders, visual fatigue and mental stress) are controlled.

  2. Staff are aware of the potential risks to their health and safety from DSE use and the actions they can take to reduce these risks.

21. Further guidance on the use of display screen equipment can be obtained from the Health and Safety Officer.

Employer responsibilities

22. The Employer will:

  1. Ensure DSE Assessments are carried out on each workstation and include the display screen equipment, furniture and working environment.

  2. Where health and safety issues have been highlighted in the DSE Assessment, ensure that appropriate remedial action is taken to reduce any identified risks.

  3. Maintain records of all DSE Assessments and risk assessments.

  4. Encourage the early reporting by staff of any symptoms which may be related to visual display screen work.

  5. In circumstances where an injury or ill health associated with DSE is identified, ensure that an incident or accident report is completed.

  6. Plan the activities of users of DSE so that short, frequent breaks are taken to prevent intensive periods of on-screen activity.

Staff responsibilities

23. Staff will:

  1. Cooperate with the completion of the workstation DSE assessment and all measures/training given to promote the safe working practice.

  2. Use equipment in an intended manner.

  3. Adopt any advice given by the Employer to prevent intensive periods of on-screen activity.

  4. Use any corrective glasses prescribed specifically for working with DSE.

  5. Inform their line manager immediately if they experience any problems or ill-health which could affect their ability to work with DSE.

  6. Workstation assessments

24. Workstation assessments must be carried out on each workstation. Responsibility for ensuring workstation assessments are carried out lies with line managers.

25. As a first step, staff must complete a DSE self-assessment.

26. DSE self-assessments should be carried out on:

  1. New staff at induction.

  2. Laptop users.

  3. Homeworkers.

27. Staff should review their self-assessment annually, or when there are significant changes to their workstation.


28. Staff are encouraged and will be expected to take opportunities for breaks in their work routine to prevent the onset of fatigue. See guidance for more information, or speak with your line manager.

Eye tests

29. Staff are entitled to eye tests by a registered practitioner (Optician or Doctor) on the following occasions:

  1. When they first become a user of DSE.

  2. When requested by staff themselves.

  3. At regular intervals thereafter on the recommendation of the practitioner (usually every 2 years).

  4. When staff experience visual difficulties attributed to display screen use.

30. Staff are currently entitled to receive the following financial contributions towards eye tests and corrective appliances:

  1. Upto£ 25 towards the cost of an eye test.

  2. Up to £ 50 towards the cost of lenses and frames.

    Staff will be responsible for the initial payment of their eye test and any costs incurred on lenses or frames.

31. Please note that glasses are solely and specifically for DSE use, and cannot be combined with lenses for other uses, eg driving.

32. For more information, please contact your line manager.

Eye testing procedure

33. To claim for reimbursement of eye test costs and/or contributions to lenses/frames, you must complete a claim form, which can be requested from the HR department.

34. You are responsible for arranging your own appointment with the practitioner.

35. You should take the claim form along to your appointment for the practitioner to complete and authorise. Any receipts for costs incurred should be retained and attached to the claim form.

36. You will be required to complete and sign the form and then forward it to the HR department for authorisation. Next, the HR department will be required to confirm whether or not the claimant uses DSE as an essential part of their work and for a significant part of their normal working hours.

37. Once the claim form is fully completed and signed by you, the practitioner and the HR department, it should be forwarded to the accounts team, along with receipts of all costs incurred relating to the eye test, frames and lenses.

38. Ifthe claim is approved, you will be reimbursed in accordance with the stipulated contribution limits. Once approved claims have been processed, payment will be made via the accounts team along with a receipt detailing a breakdown of the reimbursed claim.

Provision of information and training

39. Staff will be provided with adequate information and training on the following areas:

  1. Risks from DSE and workstations.

  2. Risk assessments and measures to reduce the risks.

  3. Breaks and activity changes.

  4. Eye tests.

  5. Initial training.

  6. Training when the workstation is modified, including in situations where the staff member is hot-desking.

Staff returning to work - Coronavirus (COVID-19)

40. Although Government restrictions introduced in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have been lifted, the pandemic is ongoing and appropriate safety measures must be adhered to. Employees must adhere to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) mitigation provisions which are still relevant to our workplace. These include:

Hygiene practices at work

41. Staff must follow all hygiene measures which we implement. When appropriate, these may include increased frequency of hand washing, wearing protective clothing, and sanitising workstations and desks.

42. We will provide adequate handwashing facilities (or hand sanitiser where not possible) at entry/exit points and when appropriate we expect all staff to use these facilities frequently whenever entering and exiting the workplace.

43. We encourage staff to bring their own food if required and to use their own utensils and drinking containers.

44. We also expect staff to apply good hygiene practices generally, such as covering their mouths or faces when coughing or sneezing, not shaking hands or touching other people and disposing of any waste, such as used tissues or hand wipes, responsibly.

45. Staff are expected to wipe down surfaces at their desk regularly. We will provide adequate cleaning equipment to enable you to clean the surfaces that you have touched, such as keyboards, computer screens and telephones, and we will make sure there are adequate disposal arrangements.

Meeting rooms

46. Where possible, staff should stay 2 metres apart in meetings and not face directly opposite each other.

47. Meetings should be restricted to only those who are strictly necessary.

Mental health whilst working during Coronavirus (COVID-19)

48. We take the health of our staff seriously, including their mental well-being. Whether you are working remotely or returning to the workplace, we strongly encourage you to speak to your line manager, a colleague or a member of the HR team regarding any concerns or issues you may have.

49. If you are working remotely from home or returning to the workplace, we encourage staff to:

  1. Connect with their fellow colleagues for informal chats or video calls.

  2. Get regular exercise and sunlight outdoors.

  3. Take regular breaks away from their workstation.

  4. Ensure they are drinking sufficient water and eating properly.

Non-compliance with health and safety rules

50. Any breach of health and safety rules or failure to comply with this policy will be taken very seriously and is likely to result in disciplinary action against the offender, in accordance with the Employer's disciplinary policy, up to and including immediate dismissal.

If you have any questions please email the office at