
Aldi definitely wants you to know that they are a great value supermarket.

I will move onto the topic of Aldi's home product range in a different post but for now, I wanted to make a note about some great copywriting that I saw while shopping today.

If you regularly visit the Aldi supermarket you'll know the checkout process well. You put all your basket or trolley items on the conveyor - it slowly moves towards the checkout assistant who swipes everything through at hyper-fast speed back into your basket or trolley. Then you move to the packing shelf behind the tills where you can pack your bags ready for taking home. But have you ever looked up at this point?

Aldi quite saw this as another opportunity for marketing and they pulled it off well. Not content with pointing out that all you did was buy groceries, they wanted to point out that everything was great value. Indeed, their core purpose is to “… provide value and quality to our customers by being fair and efficient in all we do“. There is nowhere more clear than with the sign that hangs above you as you pack.

They could have said, “Please pack your groceries on this shelf” but they didn't.

They could have said, “Thanks for shopping with us” but they didn't.

They actually said. “Please pack your savings at the packing shelf - it helps keep our prices so low.”

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And with that fifteen-word sentence, they pack multiple messages, all of which would ordinarily go unnoticed.

As well as explaining why they are asking you to do something which you might do at the till in a different supermarket they have also included one keyword which complements the core values really well. That word is “savings”.

You're not packing your shopping.

You're not packing your groceries.

You’re not packing objects at all.

You’re packing a concept.

And that concept is value.

So if you are somebody who sells products, have a think about how you might describe them as a concept and weave that into your copywriting. Every little helps (Competition pun intended).

THAT Branding Company

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